For you. For Oldsmar.
You can also donate by mailing a check payable to:
Katie Gannon Campaign for Mayor of Oldsmar
330 Lafayette Blvd., Oldsmar, FL 34677
(contributions are not tax deductible)

Katie Gannon's brother, Randy, at R.E. Olds Park, approximately 1992

It's Time for Real Leadership.
Downtown Development
Successful development of Oldsmar's downtown corridor is critical to local businesses and residents. We cannot give up on development plans and historic preservation, and we cannot settle for less than what we know Oldsmar residents expect and deserve.

The city must continue to budget funds to repair our aging roads and sewer systems. Years of delay has increased the price tag of these projects and the City Council must first be stewards of the physical and fiscal condition of our city.

Financial Intelligence
Our city needs a mayor who understands the budget, millage rate, sources of revenue, and the changing financial details of city operations.

Transportation Safety
Oldsmar's incredible diversity is part of what makes it so special. We need to recommit to safely connecting all of our city's diverse parts to present ourselves as the perfect location for a vacation, new home or new business. It's important to connect via trails and safe crossings to businesses, schools, and homes.

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